Rick Monsees, CPA, CGA

Rick Monsees

Rick Monsees , CPA, CGA

Partner - Leader Real Estate and Construction, south Saskatchewan

Rick Monsees, CPA, CA, is a Partner and leader of MNP’s Real Estate and Construction group for south Saskatchewan. Working closely with his clients, Rick delivers accounting and tax services to owner-managed small- to medium-sized businesses, helping them solve issues and improve operations for increased success.

Rick’s services include preparing reviews and Notices-to-Reader as well as financial statements and corporate and personal tax returns. His client base is diverse and includes companies in the construction, oil and gas and investment industries but he specializes in the real estate and construction industry. Rick is also experienced with farm businesses, drawing on his personal knowledge of mixed farming to develop practical, cost-effective solutions and strategies.

Personal and approachable, Rick takes the time to clearly outline issues and options so clients have the knowledge they need to make business decisions. He takes pride in seeing his clients succeed and in preparing quality financial information that they can rely on.

Rick is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Certified General Accountant (CGA) in 2008. He has an Applied Bachelor degree in Information and Accounting from SAIT and a diploma in Accounting from SIAST Palliser. An active volunteer, Rick is treasurer of the board of directors for Habitat for Humanity of Regina.

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